Senior Minister: Rev. Bill Gupton
Rev. Bill Gupton lives in Anderson Township with his wife, Jennifer Sanders. They are the proud parents of Patrick Sanders, a 2018 graduate of The Ohio State University. Bill was ordained to the Unitarian Universalist ministry by the UU Congregation of Atlanta, on Father’s Day in 1996, after graduating with an M.Div. from the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, Ca. He has served UU congregations in Tulsa (Okla.), Oakland (Calif.), Columbus (Ohio), North Olmsted (Ohio), and Cincinnati. Heritage Church called him as its minister in April, 2002. Bill is a native of Tennessee, has traveled to every state except Alaska and to seven foreign countries, and enjoys traveling, watching sports, listening to music and practicing yoga.
You can email Rev. Bill at:
Director of Lifespan Faith Development: Laci Lee Adams
Laci Lee Adams joined the church’s staff as Director of Lifespan Faith Development on August 1, 2021. In 2007 she completed an M.A. in Specialized Ministry with a concentration in Spiritual Formation and Religious Leadership at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver. Her B.A. was in Religious Studies from Centenary College in Shreveport, La. Her career has included transformative work in multicultural education and cultural competence at Georgia State University in Atlanta, and grassroots organizing work in Chicago, Madison (Wisc.), Denver and Atlanta. She has served previously as the Director of Religious Exploration at the First Parish UU Church in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Laci and her wife, Emily Popler, are the proud parents of Benjamin Alexon Popler-Adams (Ben). They live in Northside. Emily is a Clinical Fellow in the Division of Adolescent and Transition Medicine at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.
You can email Laci at:
Music Director and Accompanist: Sherry McCamley
Sherry McCamley joined the church’s staff as Music Director and Accompanist in August, 2023. She brings 15 years of experience accompanying choirs, selecting hymns and worship music, and singing/performing at other churches around Cincinnati. She is a composer/director/performer whose credits include “She’s Crazy,” a cabaret-style performance that shines a tender light on mental health issues, and “Sherryoke,” an improvisational, interactive musical experience. Sherry also has taught music and drama at several area high schools, worked with the Ensemble Theatre Company, and offered her many musical gifts to the community in other ways ever since graduating from Penn State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education (Piano/Voice Major).
Sherry and her husband, Steve, live in Anderson township, as does their adult son, Patrick.
Call the church office at 513-231-8634 to get her email address.
Choir Director: Steve McCamley
Steve McCamley joined Heritage Church as Choir Director in September, 2017. Steve has been a Music Minister at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church (IHM) in Anderson Township since 1997, and Co-Director of a Church Choir at IHM since 2001. He was a Music teacher in public schools in Pennsylvania for five years as a High School Choir Director, High School, Middle School and Elementary School Band Director, and general music teacher for grades 7-9. He also was a Music Director for a number of musicals at various theaters for five years. In Cincinnati, Steve has played in pit orchestras for musicals at local high schools for four years. He also produced and performed on albums of original songs by his wife, Sherry, and daughter, Erin. Steve can play many instruments, but particularly enjoys the saxophone and trombone. Steve has a degree in Music Education from Pennsylvania State University.
Steve also has an MBA in Marketing from Penn State, and has worked in Marketing and Sales for companies like Procter & Gamble and Kenner. Steve and Sherry live in Anderson Township, as does their adult son, Patrick. Steve is proud to follow in the footsteps of his daughter, who was Choir Director at Heritage from 2014-2017!
You can email Steve at:
Church Administrator: Martha Viehmann
Martha Viehmann joined the church staff as Church Administrator in July, 2022. She has lived in Anderson Township since 2002, raising two sons here with her husband, Rick Boyce. Martha is a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and attends Eastern Hills Friends Meeting. Through her meeting, Martha learned about Greater Anderson Promotes Peace (GAPP) and began working with this organization more than a decade ago, which is how she has come to know Heritage and many of our congregants. She has previously worked as an English instructor and in a wide variety of other jobs, most recently at the Holocaust and Humanity Center.
Martha has a heart for service and seeks to care for all our neighbors, human and otherwise. She enjoys gardening, reading, cooking, and being with people.
Send email to Martha at:
HUUC Technology Coordinator: Lucy Rogers
Lucy Rogers became our Heritage Church Technology Coordinator at the beginning of March 2025, succeeding church member Kevin Palmer, who “retired” back to life as a Sunday morning attendee and active HUUC member. Lucy’s role will be similar to Kevin’s: handling our audio and visual technology both in the sanctuary and for our Zoomers during Sunday worship services; providing tech support for congregational and special meetings, weddings and memorial services, and our staff; and working with our ever-more sophisticated software, hardware, and physical technology infrastructure.
Lucy is a Cybersecurity student at the University of Cincinnati, planning to complete that program in the spring of 2026. Their professional interests center around networking and systems administration, with plans to next pursue a CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certificate, an entry-level certification for network professionals.
They have thrived in not one but two very successful co-op terms with 84.51 (Kroger’s technology arm), gaining more experience in both systems and networking. Outside of work, Lucy enjoys video games, reading, catching up on their many preferred television programs, and taking Pilates classes.
We are excited to add Lucy to our wonderful Heritage staff. Please welcome them the next time you’re at church on Sunday!
(Call the church office at 513-231-8634 to get their email address.)
Image source: Rev. Bill Gupton
Minister Emeritus: Rev. Doak Mansfield
Rev. Doak Mansfield was the minister of our church starting in the summer of 1975 and continuing until 1985. His vision led the congregation to make the decisions that resulted in selling its prior building and constructing our present facilities. His wife, Joy, served as Religious Education Director during their ministry here, and was the one who suggested the name Heritage Universalist Unitarian Church. He was named Minister Emeritus in 2010.
Rev. Doak has a Master of Divinity degree from United Theological Seminary in Dayton. He has served as minister to a number of Unitarian Universalist congregations, and is still active as minister of the UU Fellowship of Sussex County in Newton, New Jersey.
Rev. Doak received a heart transplant in June, 2010. He is the author of four books, and has two grown sons, Amos and Adam.
You can email Rev. Doak at: