Love is the Spirit of this Church

At Heritage Church We:
~ Celebrate Life
~ Create Community
~ Seek Justice

Photograph of a circle of people holding hands around the sides of the Great Hall.

We live in a world where some of us experience increasing isolation and little support for the growth of our children as whole human beings.

  • Coworkers and acquaintances we feel we can’t connect with deeply
  • Lack of ethical/moral foundation for our children
  • Religious organizations that place us outside the circle of the saved
  • Societal problems we cannot address alone
  • … Or other factors that too often seem to divide us.

Heritage Universalist Unitarian Church provides a place of real community, religious education for children and youth, and acceptance no matter your theological beliefs, national origin, sexuality, gender identity/expression, ability/disability, or other factors.

  • Ice Cream and Other Desserts

    Ice Cream and Other Desserts

    Sunday July 28, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    Laci Adams, DLFD, leads this service.

    Summer is filled with so many fantastic desserts —ice cream, popsicles, berry bowls, puddings, meringues and so much more! Join us for a fun-filled, interactive, and reflective all ages service that explores the spiritual lessons we learn from ice cream and other desserts. Led by DLFD (Director of Lifespan Faith Development) Laci Lee Adams, this is part of our RE Summer of Love.

    Image source:

Worship with us in person or online

For Sunday morning worship, join us in the sanctuary (map and directions) or click the Zoom link that will appear before the service in the service description. The worship service and its attendees may be video recorded and appear later on various media.

Sharing Our Abundance: Since January 2017, Heritage UU Church has been giving away all of the plate offering every Sunday to a worthy non-profit organization working to help change the world in alignment with our values. You can give in the plate on Sunday, or learn more and donate using the link provided each week.

  • Sharing Our Abundance

    For the week of July 21, we share our abundance with Inter Parish Ministry, which seeks to address food insecurity while transforming the traditional food pantry. IPM meets people where they are to feed families in need and treat them with dignity.

    Learn more and give here:

Heritage is a Unitarian Universalist church that encourages each person to search for their own understanding of truth and meaning, and does not tell you what to believe. What holds us together is a sense of community and shared principles.