Worship Videos

  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – Rev. Bill Gupton and Laci Lee Adams

    Sunday Worship, December 24, 2023, 7:00 p.m.

    Join us as we renew a tradition long cherished by the HUUC community – our Christmas Eve candlelight service. Last year, a snow and ice storm cancelled the service. But this Christmas Eve we will make up for lost time, basking in the glow of candlelight and song, story and silence. Our Choir will sing lovely music, our children’s excitement will be contagious, and our sanctuary will be beautiful and glorious as we welcome one and all into the magic that is Heritage Church on Christmas Eve.

  • “ ’Tis the Season” – Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday Worship, December 24, 2023.

    Yes, Virginia, there is a Sunday morning worship service on Christmas Eve! Every few years, Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday – but that’s no reason to stay at home. In fact, it’s all the more reason to gather in the Heritage sanctuary to celebrate the season as we sing familiar songs, enjoy familiar stories, and greet familiar (and maybe even some new) faces.

  • “Fires of Hope – Holiday Pageant” – Laci Lee Adams

    Sunday Worship, December 17, 2023.

    Celebrate all the bright lights burning at this time of year. Youth and Children’s Hand Chime Choir, directed by Charlotte Loflin, provides accompaniment for “Silent Night.”

  • “Centering Love” – Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday Worship, December 3, 2023.

    The changes and controversies that Unitarian Universalism (and many other American religions) are experiencing are reflective of the times in which we live. How might the Love that is the spirit of our church help us navigate these turbulent waters?

  • “Kinship Around the World” – Rev. Alice Diebel

    Sunday Worship, November 26, 2023

    On this Thanksgiving weekend, let us consider what shape our response to global poverty might take. Who are we grateful to, for our abundance?

  • “So Much to Be Thankful For” – Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday Worship, November 19, 2023

    Our annual Thanksgiving Sunday service brings together the entire Heritage family for a community celebration of our abundance, our appreciation, and our deep gratitude for the gifts and blessings of this life – and of this congregation. Come, let us worship, and sing, and pray, and share bread together. There will be lovely music from our Choir, our traditional bread communion, songs of the season and more. Truly a service for all ages.