Worship Videos

  • “How Does the World Experience Me?” – Jen Ciolino

    Sunday July 14, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    Join us for a spiritual exploration of self-awareness and connection as we delve into the profound question: “How does the world experience me?” Through touching anecdotes and emotional reflections, we will examine the ways our actions, though often well-intentioned, can have unexpected impacts on others.

    We will explore the spiritual values of empathy, compassion, and accountability as we navigate the complexities of our relationships. How do we respond when we learn our actions have caused harm? How can we find the emotional and spiritual strength to heal and grow together?

    We will also consider how our families, communities, workplaces, and even our spiritual congregations might unintentionally cause harm despite positive intentions. Through this journey, we aim to deepen our understanding of how others perceive us and challenge ourselves to become more mindful and compassionate in our interactions.

  • “Rethinking Darwin” — Bruce Bowdon

    Sunday, July 7, 2024 10:30 a.m.

    Rev. Kimberley Debus delivered a sermon titled “Rethinking Darwin” on March 13, 2024, at Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation in White Plains, NY. Rev. Debus explained, “…When we talk about Darwin, we start with two phrases: natural selection and survival of the fittest. But, we’re often getting it wrong because that’s not the end of the evolutionary story. Instead, it is cooperation and friendliness.” 

    Bruce Bowdon will read to us the text of her sermon during our Sunday morning service on July 7, 2024. 

  • “No Place for Hate” — Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday, June 30, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    On the last day of Pride Month, we will consider the hatred, fear, and intimidation that has come out of the shadows in the past decade or so in our society and that currently dominates our social (and definitely our political) discourse. We will acknowledge that yes, there is a “culture war” in America — and that, like it or not, we have a place and a role to play in it. And we will make it clear that hate has no home at Heritage.

  • “The Transient and the Permanent in UUism” – Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday, June 23, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    This weekend at our Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly, some important and impactful decisions were made about the very nature of Unitarian Universalism. Our Senior Minister will reflect on those decisions and those changes, while reminding us that some things remain bedrock and foundational, never changing in the shifting winds of culture and generations.

  • “Pride Sunday: Queer Joy is Resistance” – Laci Adams, DLFD

    Sunday, June 16, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    Join us for an all ages worship service celebrating Pride Month and LGBTQ+ lives. Centering joy, our worship service will lift up the beauty, the laughter, the power, and the potential of queer lives to build a better world for every one!

    Expect to hear the voices of children, to learn from stories, to interact with our community, and to sing with complete abandon as Laci Lee Adams, our Director of Lifespan Faith Development, leads worship that helps us all embrace queer joy in our lives.  

  • “Wear It on Your Sleeve” (T-Shirt Sunday) — Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday, June 9, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    We Universalists and Unitarians have long been among those who “wear our hearts on our sleeves.” Today, you are invited to wear your heart on the front of your shirt – it’s T-Shirt Sunday! Wear a shirt that has a message that speaks for you: Your values and beliefs, your favorite rock band or movie, a place that has special meaning to you, an organization you support, something that speaks to your unique sense of humor (within the bounds of good taste, of course) – that sort of thing. A T-shirt can be worth a thousand words. What will your shirt say about you today?