Worship Videos

  • “The State of the Union” – Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday, February 4, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    We live in a time when the “union” that is the United States of America is more fragile than it has been in over a century and a half. In the coming year, we can expect a series of crises that will test what this country stands for and aspires to be. How might we prepare for this test? What might it look like if we pass the test? What might it look like if we fail? We are being called to awareness – and to action.

  • “The State of the Church” – Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday, January 28, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    In his annual “State of the Church” service, our Senior Minister reflects on where we stand as a congregation and a community of faith: our accomplishments, our challenges, and that which is both unique and timeless about us. We will also enjoy inspiration from our Choir this morning.

  • “Five Smooth Stones” – Rev. Jenn Gracen

    Sunday Worship, January 21, 2024

    One of the preeminent Unitarian theologians of the 20th century, James Luther Adams, once wrote a very influential essay proposing that there were “Five Smooth Stones” of liberal religion. What might Adams’ “Five Smooth Stones” have to offer modern Unitarian Universalists?

  • “Dreams and Realities: Reflecting on MLK’s Legacy” – Jen Ciolino and “The Gang of Us”

    Sunday Worship, January 14, 2024

    This service is dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy. We’ll reflect on civil rights progress and the ongoing journey towards equality. This contemplative service will connect us with Dr. King’s vision for justice and compassion and will be enhanced by our wonderful choir. Together, we’ll draw inspiration from his teachings, recommitting to love and unity. Embrace this opportunity to continue advancing towards a world of peace and dignity for all.

  • “Aha! Journeying Toward Epiphany” – Laci Lee Adams

    Sunday Worship, January 7, 2024.

    Laci Lee Adams leads this worship service, which creatively retells the story of the gifts of the Magi.

  • “Journeying to Our Center” – Rev. Chip Roush

    Sunday Worship, December 31, 2023.

    At the transition between years, it is easier to notice how Father Time can be a jerk. Rev. Chip Roush will lead us as we delve deep to reconnect with our lasting values, and explore how to embody those values in the coming year.