Worship Videos

  • “The Clock is Ticking” – Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday October 6, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    It is 30 days until one of the most consequential elections in American history.

    Yes, you’ve heard that before (more or less every four years now throughout this century), but we can hardly imagine — and don’t really care to — a more important choice than the one facing American voters a month from now.

    What kind of country will we be? What legacy will we leave our children, and theirs?

    Early voting begins Tuesday, October 8, 2024. Let’s look at the issues, and get “Fired Up and Ready to Go!”

  • “Teach Your Children Well” – Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday September 29, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    The leaves are turning, school is back in session, politicians and parents are arguing over what we should and should not teach our children, books are being banned — it’s just another fall in an America divided by a culture war that is, by the way, very real. As a faith tradition, we hope to teach our children our beliefs and values. Let’s talk about that this morning. 

  • “It’s About Our Future” – Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday, September 15, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    It seems, this fall, that there’s a lot of talk about the future. And that’s a good thing. We should talk — and think — and make thoughtful, informed decisions about — our future. So let’s look to the future together this morning.

    Note also that there is an important congregational meeting following the service; all church members are urged to attend.

  • Ingathering Sunday and Water Ceremony – Rev. Bill Gupton and Laci Adams, DLFD

    Sunday September 8, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    With summer behind us and an exciting new “church year” of possibilities and discernment ahead, we annually set aside a special Sunday we call “Ingathering Sunday” for our traditional Unitarian Universalist Water Ceremony ritual. Return home, gather back into the fold, and experience the special welcoming and embracing community that is Heritage Church.

    Bring everyone — of all ages. Bring a friend, neighbor, or co-worker. Bring the water that you have collected over the summer, from places that hold significance for you. (You did gather some water, didn’t you? If not, that’s okay; it’s never too late to collect some!) Our choir is back and will sing for us! Our sanctuary will be full of energy and wonder.

    This is the first HUUC “High Holy Day” of the year. Don’t miss it! Zoomers, be sure to have your water with you, too, as we will also welcome your sharing during the service. 

  • “Hard Work, Holy Work” – Rev. Bill Gupton

    Sunday September 1, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    This Labor Day weekend, we consider some of the many meanings of “work.” There is physical labor. There are vocations and avocations. There is spiritual and emotional work. And there is “calling.” At this time in our history, we are called to do hard work – holy work. That includes not only working on ourselves and in our workplaces, but working “overtime” to build a better, more just, and more equitable future through our democracy.

  • “Embracing Uncertainty — Spiritual Improv for all” – Bill Lyon

    Sunday August 25, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    As much as we might yearn for certainty, most of life is beyond our control. Instead of lamenting that fact, we consider the potential spiritual and relational gifts of leaning into the unknown. Bill (along with Worship Associate, Jen Ciolino) will explore this through the lens of Improv Comedy.

    Prepare to be challenged – and – to have fun in new and unexpected ways.