Social Justice

Love is the spirit of our church and it is that love that guides us to seek justice for all. In that spirit the Heritage Social Justice Collaborative brings together individuals who have passion around various areas of social justice.

We gather to share information and support each other around these passions. We meet to generate ideas using the power of group interaction. Individuals or teams take the lead in a specific area of justice work. They communicate their activities to the greater congregation. With congregational involvement, more impact can occur as we work together to change injustices in our world. We also meet to vote on the use of monies from the church’s Social Justice balance sheet account.

Any Heritage UU Church member or friend is welcome to join the Social Justice Collaborative and lead the congregation in their passion.

  • Social Justice Collaborative Meets in March

    Social Justice Collaborative Meets in March

    Can we work to reduce new injustices? Can we help improve the plight of those harmed by recent events? These are things that many in the collaborative are working on, each person focusing on topics that they find important.

    The collaborative is the HUUC Social Justice Collaborative, which will meet on Sunday, March 2, 2025 in the Heritage Room, starting ten minutes after the completion of the morning worship service.

    Any member or friend of Heritage Church is welcome to attend. The Collaborative brings together individuals who have a passion for various areas of social justice. We meet to share information and support each other in this important and often difficult work. Our last meeting discussed issues and actions regarding racial justice, housing and homelessness, indigenous peoples, immigration, trans people, climate change, governmental reform, and peace.

    If you would like more information or a topic added to the agenda, contact Mimi Sinclair at:

    Image source: and B.L. Barnes