We consider ourselves to be One Church, Many Paths. Just as there is no one “right way” to religious truth, in a Unitarian Universalist church, there is no one single path to membership. Each person at Heritage Church is on a unique personal journey. Some newcomers are ready to join the congregation after just a few worship services; for others, the path to membership may take a year or more.
In the end, though, all that is necessary to become a member of our church is to express, in writing, a desire to join, and a willingness to take up the rights and responsibilities of membership. Your note should be addressed to the Board of Trustees.
It is our experience that new members of our community benefit from learning our history and traditions, from interacting with others at a similar place in their religious journey, and from having a clear understanding of the expectations of membership in a free religious society. Thus, we offer you some guidance on your personal “Path to Membership”. Below are some of the guideposts that you might look for on your path. Though these milestones are listed in a “checklist” form, remember—they are not a requirement of membership, nor are they necessarily a linear progression toward membership. Every person’s path is different.
We hope that this information is helpful as you discern where your own religious journey is taking you. And, it is our sincere hope, too, that your path will lead you to make Heritage Church a vital and ongoing part of your spiritual and social life.
Suggested Steps on the “Path”
- Attend Sunday worship services (whether provided online or in person) regularly for several weeks. Get a feel for who and what we are, as a religious community of seekers. Check the church website menu under “Worship” –> “Worship Services” for upcoming topics
- Attend and participate in a “Get Acquainted Dinner” hosted quarterly by our Membership Committee. (An ongoing church building closure may make this activity unavailable.) This is an informal evening meal that offers a chance to meet other newcomers and leaders of the church, break bread together, and share our journeys. Upcoming dates for dinners will be listed in the Calendar.
- Attend and participate in an “Introduction to Unitarian Universalism” or “UU 101” session led by the Senior Minister. (An ongoing church building closure may make this activity unavailable.) This is an opportunity to learn more about our free faith and the values we share.
- Get involved in a variety of activities at Heritage. There are many different groups, classes and other opportunities to choose from.
- Discuss membership with the Senior Minister or the Board President, and ask any questions you may have about joining Heritage Church.
- Write a brief note or letter to the Board, indicating your desire to become a member of our congregation.
- Indicate your commitment to supporting the church through a regular financial contribution by speaking with a representative of the Stewardship Committee.
- Sign the membership book. (This is often done during a special quarterly ceremony in the Sunday worship service, but it is not required that you participate in the public ritual—only that you sign the book.) (An ongoing church building closure may cause this step to be postponed.)
For more information, please contact our Senior Minister.