“Modern Miracles” – Rev. Bill Gupton
Sunday worship, May 12, 2024, 10:30 a.m.
We often speak of natural miracles – an oak tree emerging from an acorn, an iridescent sunset, the mere fact that we are alive, and part of an ecosystem on this vibrantly living planet. But this morning, we will consider instead those human-wrought miracles that our ancestors – even our own, younger selves – would never have believed possible. We are so immersed in such modern miracles that we seldom take time to appreciate them. Let’s do that today.
“Acknowledging Our Past, Leaning into Our Future” – Rev. Bill Gupton and friends
Sunday Worship, April 28, 2024 10:30 a.m.
Join us as we celebrate Earth Day and reflect on our place in the history of this land, and this planet.
We live on sacred ground. We gather on lands once cared for by indigenous peoples. What is our cultural and congregational responsibility – to them, to the earth, to one another, to future generations? This morning we will acknowledge our intent to own those responsibilities, to repair relationships, and to begin a new and exciting chapter in our history by unveiling a land acknowledgement crafted by church members and friends and approved by our Board of Trustees as an official statement of Heritage Church.
“Eclipsed” – Rev. Bill Gupton
Sunday Worship, April 14, 2024 10:30 a.m.
This week, a total solar eclipse passed within miles of Heritage Church. Our Senior Minister and his family traveled to Brown County (Indiana) for the experience. What was your eclipse experience like? Let’s share our stories, and explore the significance (in a scientific age, as well as in earlier cultures) of such a remarkable event. Let there be darkness! Let there be light!
“Look to This Day, for It Is Life” – Rev. Bill Gupton
Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024, 10:30 a.m.
As morning breaks on Easter Sunday, we look to a new day filled with new promise. We honor our history and our traditions, while grounding ourselves powerfully in the present moment – and in this one, beautiful day we have together. Our Universalist heritage teaches us that “all are saved,” that the love of God and the Universe includes and embraces everyone, eternally (“no exceptions”). Join us this Easter Sunday as we ponder the mystery and wonder of this day – of each day – and of this life we share. Our Choir will sing, our spirits will be lifted, and we might even see an Easter egg or two. Fancy Easter hats optional but welcomed!
“Origins and Oscars and Other Such Stuff” – Rev. Bill Gupton
Sunday, March 3, 2024, 10:30 a.m.
Did you know that, among his many other “past lives,” our Senior Minister once penned movie reviews for newspapers? This morning, a week before the presentation of the Oscars (which are, as always, surrounded by controversy this year), Rev. Bill will take a look at the powerful and provocative movie “Origin” — and probably drop in some other cinematic commentary as well. (It would be wonderful if you went to see “Origin” before today’s service.)
“The State of the Union” – Rev. Bill Gupton
Sunday, February 4, 2024, 10:30 a.m.
We live in a time when the “union” that is the United States of America is more fragile than it has been in over a century and a half. In the coming year, we can expect a series of crises that will test what this country stands for and aspires to be. How might we prepare for this test? What might it look like if we pass the test? What might it look like if we fail? We are being called to awareness – and to action.