“An Antidote to Anxiety” – Rev. Bill Gupton
Sunday Worship, September 10, 2023
We live in very stressful times. For each of us, anxiety – both apparent, and subtle – can be a dangerous and debilitating part of daily existence. No one is immune. This morning, let us find a refuge – literally, a sanctuary – with one another, in loving and supportive community. With music (including from our beloved Choir), words and silence, we will seek an antidote to anxiety.
“Poetry Sunday” – Poets in Residence
Sunday Worship, September 3, 2023
Kathy Wade and Steph Tacy lead this worship service.
Creativity lives in each of us. It reveals who we are as individuals. As a community, it shines a light on all we were, are and can be. This Sunday, we celebrate that light as we gather in community for Poetry Sunday.
“Ingathering Sunday and Water Ceremony” – Rev. Bill Gupton
Sunday Worship, August 27, 2023
In our annual intergenerational Ingathering service, we bring the waters that we have collected over the summer, combine them in a ritual known as the Water Ceremony, and mark the beginning of another cycle of the seasons together in community. Please bring a small amount of water from somewhere you have traveled (or from your home, if you like) to join with that collected by others in this special and moving ceremony for all ages. Today also features the first performance of the new church year by our wonderful Choir.
“Why I’m a Universalist” – Rev. Bill Gupton
Sunday Worship, August 20, 2023.
This morning, our Senior Minister continues his introductory / explanatory sermon series by examining why Universalism is a faith tradition that particularly resonates with him—and many others—within the broader religion known as “Unitarian Universalism.” Did you know our congregation was founded as the First Universalist Society of Cincinnati in 1827?
“Facing the Abyss” – Bruce Bowdon
Sunday Worship, August 13, 2023
There are times in our lives that we must face the abyss: a decision where we consider the previously unimaginable or are faced with having to let go of a system of beliefs and/or comfort we thought we could rely upon. To face an abrupt change can be demoralizing and seem to call for more fortitude than we know we possess. Nothing in our past offers any guidance of how to make this decision.
“This Wondrous Universe” – Rev. Bill Gupton
Sunday Worship, August 6, 2023
With each passing year, we human beings are learning more about this wondrous Universe in which we live. And the more we learn, the more we are amazed at its mysteries. In this worship service we lean into the awe and reverence that an open-minded, open-hearted look at our Universe cannot help but inspire.