Worship Dates and Information

For Sunday morning worship, join us in the sanctuary (map and directions) or click the Zoom link that will appear before the service in the service description. The worship service and its attendees may be video recorded and appear later on various media.

  • Ice Cream and Other Desserts

    Ice Cream and Other Desserts

    Sunday July 28, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    Laci Adams, DLFD, leads this service.

    Summer is filled with so many fantastic desserts —ice cream, popsicles, berry bowls, puddings, meringues and so much more! Join us for a fun-filled, interactive, and reflective all ages service that explores the spiritual lessons we learn from ice cream and other desserts. Led by DLFD (Director of Lifespan Faith Development) Laci Lee Adams, this is part of our RE Summer of Love.

    Image source: https://tinyurl.com/ycxrujzu

  • “At the Border of Life and Death”

    “At the Border of Life and Death”

    Sunday, August 4, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    Dr. Andy Wells leads this service.

    Andy will explore the inevitable end of life that all of us experience from the humble perspective of a physician. He will discuss the various relationship dynamics and coping mechanisms that families and physicians utilize to deal with the most frightening and impactful experience we encounter.

    Image source: Andy Wells

  • “The Practice of Patience”

    “The Practice of Patience”

    Sunday, August 11, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    Rev. Bill Gupton leads this service.

    Our Senior Minister — not one known for his patience — has been asked to reflect on the practice of patience. Please be patient with him today as he shares some of his challenges (and new insights) about this very important trait, which some might even call a spiritual practice. 

    This service is an “on demand” topic purchased by the highest bidder at last year’s HUUC Auction.

    Image source: https://tinyurl.com/3eyj64uc

  • “Embracing Uncertainty — Spiritual Improv for all”

    “Embracing Uncertainty — Spiritual Improv for all”

    Sunday August 25, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

    Bill Lyon leads this service.

    As much as we might yearn for certainty, most of life is beyond our control. Instead of lamenting that fact, we consider the potential spiritual and relational gifts of leaning into the unknown. Bill (along with Worship Associate, Jen Ciolino) will explore this through the lens of Improv Comedy. Prepare to be challenged – and – to have fun in new and unexpected ways.

    Image source: https://tinyurl.com/4k6dujsa