Walking the Talk to Protect our Waterways 

Last fall, members Anne Lyon and Alison Lang Hickey requested volunteers to help re-start the Saturday Stream Snapshot (SSS), the citizen water quality monitoring program to protect the Little Miami River (originally started by Anne Lyon).  

Now, two of the program’s stream sampling teams are manned by Heritage members! Pictured here at the recent SSS Fun Day at Izaak Walton League’s Cinciy lodge are: (left to right) Bob Drake, Rowley Elliston, Jackie Drake, Alison Lang Hickey and Joann Meyer.

During the summer, back-up volunteers are needed to assist with stream sampling or in the lab. If you’re interested in helping August 10 or September 14, 2024 please email to the following address:  volunteer@saturdaystreamsnapshot.org.

Image source: Alison Lang Hickey