UUA Announces GA 2025 Co-Worship Leaders

The UUA has announced that both Rev. Paige Getty and Rev. Dr. Rebekah A. Savage will lead on line the 2025 General Assembly Opening Celebration on Wednesday, June 18, 2025  from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. ET.

Raised in the state of Georgia, Rev. Paige Getty’s early vocational journey took her to Harvard Divinity School for seminary training; to the UUA’s Beacon Hill headquarters in Boston, MA, for field education work; to First UU Church in San Diego, CA, for a ministerial internship; and to Shawnee Mission UU Church in Overland Park, KS, for an interim ministry. In 2003, she and her spouse Graham settled in Columbia, MD, where for 21 years Paige served the UU Congregation of Columbia — concluding that ministry in June 2024. Paige has held leadership positions in the Chesapeake Chapter of the UUMA, is trained as a Lead Mentor and as a facilitator of Our Whole Lives and Beyond Categorical Thinking, and delivered the sermon at the Service of the Living Tradition in 2010. She and Graham are parents to two (nearly) young-adult children, and Paige currently is enjoying this liminal vocational time as she invests more deeply in building interfaith relationships in her local community.

Rev. Rebekah A. Savageis a lifelong UU, raised in the River Road UU Congregation in Bethesda, MD. Her years as a UU youth in an encouraging congregation led her to go to seminary at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, NY, following her graduation from Macalester College in St. Paul, MN. After her ministerial internship in Boca Raton, FL, Rev. Rebekah went from a residency in Clinical Pastoral Education to being commissioned as a military chaplain with her ordination to the UU ministry in 2003. After completing an overseas deployment in 2006, Rev. Rebekah moved back to Maryland and remained on active duty and other civilian positions until accepting a ministry position at the UU Congregation of Rockville, MD in 2015. Besides completing a Masters in Mental Health Counseling in 2007, Rev. Rebekah received a Doctorate in Ministry from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC in May 2020. Rev. Rebekah preached the sermon at the Service of the Living Tradition in 2014, and completed 8 years of service on the Ministerial Fellowship Committee, with 5 years as the co-chair of the MFC, in spring of 2025. Rev. Rebekah is the proud parent of two teenagers, Genevieve and Thane, and spends much of her time happily on bike trails, on a yoga mat and at the gym. 

Images source: UUA