UU Hymn: “Turn the World Around”

Our hymn, “Turn the World Around”, #1074, is brought to us by Michael Tacy, Music Director at the Gathering at Northern Hills. “Turn the World Around” was popularized by Muppets creator Jim Henson. One of his guests, Harry Belafonte, introduced this song on a Muppet episode. According to author of the Blog “Notes from the Far Fringe”, Kimberley Debus, Belafonte said “I discovered that song in Africa, in Guinea. I went deep into the interior of the country, and in a little village, met a storyteller. That storyteller began to tell this story about the fire, the sun, the water, the Earth.” According to Debus, Belafonte states that the storyteller pointed out that the whole of these things, put together, turns the world around. All of us are here for a very, very, short time. In that time, there really isn’t any difference in any of us, if we take the time to understand each other.

YouTube link: Turn the World Around