The Newly Elected

In addition to the reading of the annual Senior Minister’s report, and the report by the Director of Lifelong Faith Development, plus the adoption of the annual budget, the June 2, 2024 Heritage Annual Meeting’s results included the election of new board members and several other positions. Shown below are the newly elected members.

Board of Trustees: Three-year term

  • Antonio Ciolino
  • Susan Conely
  • Roger Miller

Committee on Ministry: One-year term

  • Ellie Lamb

Endowment Committee:

  • Rae Jane Araujo – Three-year term
  • Julie Kane – Two-year term
  • Donna Buckley – One-year term

HUUC Representative to UU Council of Cincinnati: One-year term

  • Rae Jan Araujo
  • Ann Jarboe
  • Bob Lamb

Congratulations and best of luck to all of our newly elected representatives. Thank you in advance for your volunteer service.

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