The Ice Storm

The Ice Storm

by Dot Christenson

The squirrel shield on the feeder
fringed with tassels of ice,
the birds huddle under
sheltered by the device.

The juncos, the titmice
chickadees and house sparrows
scramble to feast
from the open bird barrels.

A brood of pink house finch
stands guard by the ports
soon displaced by a crowd
in a flutter of discord.

A cardinal has breached
the small birds’ space
He is hustled and squeezed
to the outside rim of the place.

The upside-down gold finch
swings ’round trying to eat
He can’t always hold on
as he swings downward to feast.

The squirrel’s corncob bungie
is empty today
the remains quite frozen
and it’s too cold to play.

A short lull in the storm
draws more birds from around
the backyard is aflutter
and the chatter profound.

The neighbor’s bundled children
attack the cold trampoline
it crackles like ice cubes,
there is laughter and screams.

More ice on the window
we’re not done yet,
birds and people will be happy
when it’s over, I’ll bet.

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