Book cover for the book "Klara and the Sun"

The BWB Takes on AI

Wednesday, September 20, 7:00 p.m.

Artificial intelligence (aka AI) has dominated the news cycle for many months. The Heritage women’s book clubs (known as the Babes with Books or BWB), always current with the times, takes on the subject with their September 20 meeting selection Klara and the Sun, by Kazuo Ishiguro. Maggie Sprayregen of the Associated Press describes this NY Times bestseller novel as “an intriguing take on how artificial intelligence might play a role in our futures . . . a poignant meditation on love and loneliness.”

Please bring to the next meeting your ideas and suggestions for the holiday movie party film and date plus future reads starting in January. All meetings are held from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Heritage Room, unless otherwise announced.

All women (be they members, or friends) are always invited to any BWB meeting – whether they have read the book or not. Unless otherwise announced, the meeting’s book selection is available on hold for the Heritage Book Club at the Anderson Township branch of the Hamilton County library approximately a month in advance.

For inclusion in the BWB Google group emails, contact the Heritage office.