A middle-aged woman with dark hair, smiling at the camera.

“Seeing and Believing”

Rev. Mitra Jafarzadeh.

Sunday, October 1, 2023, 10:30 a.m.

For centuries, religion offered inspiration and funding for “great art.” In our more cynical and secular era, how does art function for those who seek the spirit of love and justice? Beauty can shape our spirit. As autumn deepens, and nature paints the trees in russet hues, take some time to revel in the beauty we share.

Join Rev. Mitra Jafarzadeh to explore the relationship between beauty and faith; art and awe; humanity and the creative spirit. We will also hear music from our wonderful choir.

On October 1 at 10:30 a.m., join in worship in the sanctuary or click this Zoom link.

Learn more about Rev. Mitra Jafarzadeh.