A wooden offering plate from over a century ago, carved with decoration and the sentence "Do good and distribute."

Sharing our Abundance

On Sunday, May 12 and the days following, we are Sharing Our Abundance with the Restoration Fund of the Red Oak Presbyterian Church for continuing the repair of this historic structure.

The Red Oak Presbyterian Church is one of the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom sites in Ripley, OH, which you can visit with Heritage on Saturday, May 18.

Explore the history of this church on their website at: https://www.redoakpresbyterianchurch.org/

Register for the Heritage trip to Ripley here: https://huuc.breezechms.com/form/6d9177

To donate, make out a check to Red Oak Presbyterian Church Restoration Fund and mail to:

People’s Bank
104 Main Street
Ripley, Ohio 45167

Or, use the Donate link at HUUC.net and include “Red Oak Presbyterian Restoration” in the comment field.