You might have noticed a few space upgrades in process around the church, especially in the family lounge, formerly known as the nursery. Last year we did a small-needs assessment of our young families to find ways to serve them better. One decision to come out of that process was to rework the space to allow for parents and “littles” to share space while providing access to the worship service. The family lounge was born, technology was purchased, and we started work on a gorgeous mural. Next time you are at church, visit the new family lounge and see the progress of the mural.
Now, we need your help with a second project aimed at making our space more welcoming and functional for young families. We will be adding a row of rocking chairs to our sanctuary space and are looking for two kinds of help.
First, we are in need of rocking chairs. We have the first rocking chair, but would love to have six more. Do you have a rocking chair in good working order (without a footrest) that you would be willing to donate to church?
Second, many of these rocking chairs will need new seat cushions, so we are looking for people who sew who would be willing to do a bit of stitching once fabrics are selected.
If you can help in either or both of these capacities, please email Laci at:

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