Salem Acres Community Church Belief System, 1978

by Mike Roberts

In an attempt to define itself to potential new members, the Salem Acres Community Church, our predecessor church, devoted the back page of its Orders of Service to a description of its belief system. The description varied slightly each week. This is the one distributed for the service of May 14, 1978.

“The FIRST UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI was incorporated May 25, 1827. In 1968 the present location and name was chosen – SALEM ACRES COMMUNITY CHURCH. Ours is a liberal church affiliated denominationally with the Unitarian Universalist Association of North America.

Unitarian Universalism historically has roots in the Judaic-Christian tradition (Liberal Protestantism) but is today a broadened faith. It is a growing, responsive religion, free of hardened dogmas or prescribed theological definitions.

In Unitarian Universalism the religious life is an open, deliberate encounter with history, science, personal experience, others, ethical choices and inspiring ideals. It is a faith dedicated to a religious process that includes:

  • The use of reason, emotion and experience as guides in the continuing quest for meaning and truth.
  • The support of one another with respect and affection in a religious community which examines, interprets and celebrates life’s offerings.
  • The affirmation of human dignity, our interdependence and the democratic method in human relationships.

An active RELIGIOUS EDUCATION program is available for all ages and a Prospectus of this September through May effort is available in the hallway.

Church membership is open to all who are in sympathy with our principles. A letter requesting membership submitted to the Board of Trustees is the action required.

Mr. Mansfield is available to assist with questions and as a pastoral counselor.”

Image: Salem Acres Community Church (our congregation’s name at the time)