Responding to Hate with Acts of Love

Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Offsite.

Once again, racist, homophobic hate materials were recently dropped on neighborhood driveways. But once again, we WON’T let hate have the last word!

Join Greater Anderson Promotes Peace (GAPP) and Anderson Churches for Racial Unity (ACRU) for an evening of learning and discussion. The location is the Anderson Center, 7850 Five Mile Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230.

Rabbi Ari Jun, Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), and a representative of the YWCA Greater Cincinnati will share insights and information on community responses to hate, followed by idea-generating conversations about individual and community “next-steps.”

When hate shows up in our community, people come together to DO something! Hate materials were dropped on neighbors’ driveways recently, like they were 24 years ago. In 1999, residents formed GAPP to take action. GAPP’s mission then, as now, was to replace hate with acts of love and courage! As we see today, it is imperative to speak out AGAINST hate, bigotry and fear-mongering. GAPP also pledged to provide community-building programs and events to promote respect, understanding, and inclusion. Please join us in continuing this work!

We are being called again to RAISE our voices, STAND with those who feel threatened, and BUILD communities that embrace ALL our neighbors, so adults and children know their WHOLE selves are safe and welcome here.

Registration is requested at

If you have questions, please speak with Louise Lawarre.

Image: Anderson Center.