April 14, 2024 Luncheon
First in a Series by the Heirloom Editor
A distraught reader of the Heirloom wrote the following to me, the editor – “It is the second Sunday potluck lunch time again, but I am cooking-challenged! I can’t keep up with those culinary goddesses and gods who populate our monthly feast with diverse delights, making it my best meal of the month. What can I do?”
Here’s one of my many popular tricks to participate in the potluck offerings but not inflict on others any gastric distress as a result. Buy a bag of Clementine oranges, peel them, separate the sections, and bring them to church in a large zip-lock bag. That’s my kind of “cooking.” People hesitate to place a whole Clementine on their plate, but they will take sections. Not only will you please the masses, but your hands will smell great for the rest of the day. If, by chance, any segments remain after the feast, you can take them home in the zip-lock bag, ready for the fridge.
No time for peeling? Don’t be shy, come to our table anyways – there is always more than enough. Join the friendly gathering right after worship services, Sunday April 14, 2024 in the great hall.
~ Your cooking-challenged Heirloom editor, Barb Barnes
Image Source: http://tinyurl.com/bcw76nsx