On the Path

by Rev. Bill Gupton

This month’s column is directed to those who are newer to our church community. Well, maybe not exclusively to new folks, because I know that there are some longer-time attendees who aren’t yet officially members of the congregation. Here goes:

Would you like to become a member of Heritage Church? Do you have questions about what that means? Give me a call at the church – 513-231-8634 – or drop me an email at:

Let’s connect and talk about taking the next step of commitment to this place, and these people, who are actively engaged in the very important work – as it says emblazoned on the wall in our lovely kitchen – of “celebrating life, creating community, and seeking justice.” Spring is the perfect time to join the church. Things are blooming, and new beginnings are all around. We are proactively planning for the future (specifically, for the upcoming church year). Our annual congregational meeting draws near (June 2, 2024), when members participate in prioritization and decision-making.

Having just had surgery myself, and knowing of many others in our church family who are recovering from surgery, taking care of aging parents, have homes bursting with young children, or facing various challenges, I know how important being part of a caring community – a support system – is as we navigate this journey we call life. So, I ask you to ask yourself a question: “Where else have I known or experienced a community like Heritage? Do I want to be part of this unique, unusual kind of community, for the long haul?” Your answer may tell you something about membership. And about why so many of our church’s elders have been with us, through thick and thin, for 20, 30, even 40 or more years.

I hope you will consider making your commitment to this remarkable group of people, and the principles and values we stand for. I look forward to hearing from you.

Rev. Bill