On the Path

In mid-February, I went to an HUUC Adult Education series called “Getting Older Ain’t for Sissies,” led by our own Terri Gaitskill (who has written a book with same title). I, for one, have become living proof of that adage, as my body continues to remind me – despite what my mind or spirit may claim – that I am, indeed, “getting old.” The latest reminder came loud and clear a couple of weeks ago, in the form of an unnerving “POP” and a strange shifting feeling in my left shoulder, the result of a torn bicep and, shall we say, a rather mangled rotator cuff. And so, later this month, I will be taking a couple of weeks’ medical leave for surgery.

Unfortunately, this sobering development is likely to coincide – maybe even within just a day or two – with our son Patrick’s long-anticipated return home after two-and-a-half years away. The best of times, and the worst of times, as they say. Jennifer and I are extremely excited to welcome Patrick back to Cincinnati and to reunite as a family; rest assured, you’ll get to see and reconnect with Patrick too, later in March.

Regarding my impending absence, while there is never a good time to be away, this month is perhaps as good as we could have hoped for. Rev. Mitra Jafarzadeh, whom many of you know and whose preaching you will all appreciate, was already scheduled to fill the pulpit on St. Patrick’s Day, and the following Sunday, Laci Adams will be preaching. If I can schedule my surgery during that period, it would be perfect timing indeed – but of course, that’s not how our medical system works.

Nonetheless, please know that whenever I do need to be away, the church is in good hands, with not only Laci, but also our Church Administrator Martha Viehmann, and our Board (capably guided by President Jaime Castle and Vice-President Julie Kane) at the helm. The church is always in good hands, and I will be in good hands with a medical team I trust.

In the meantime, I look forward to giving you a hug (albeit, with only one arm), to hearing about your own challenges and celebrations, and to sharing the one-of-a-kind community that is Heritage.

Rev. Bill