New Blue Box for Soles 4 Souls

Do you typically rush through the back hallway outside the family lounge, formerly called the nursery, and past the coat racks? Maybe you haven’t noticed the new collection box, tucked discretely in the corner intended for the on-going drive to collect gently used shoes for persons in need – a campaign known as Soles 4 Souls.

Most donations go to the national organization called Soles 4 Souls. That organization takes any shoes, in any condition, and sends them to those people in need all around the globe. For more information on the organization, check out Soles 4 Souls at

Sometimes, donated shoes are in such good shape that the HUUC organizer, Joann Meyer, can donate them to our local Inter Parish Ministry (IPM). For more information on IPM see   

So, instead of throwing away unwanted or old shoes, please bring them to church. Keep them out of a landfill. Put them in the new, blue box. We can make a difference!

For more information, contact Joann Meyer at:

March of 2024, Image source: Joann Meyer