Thursday, June 19, 2025 at 7 p.m. on line
The Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA’s) Ministries and Faith Development Staff Group is proud to announce the 2025 Service of the Living Tradition Worship Leader for General Assembly (GA) is Katharine Childs, Director of Religious Exploration at the Unitarian Church of Montreal.
This service is a heartfelt tribute to our esteemed fellowshipped and credentialed religious leaders. It’s a time to reflect on those who have left an indelible mark, celebrate the accomplishments of those who have completed their service, and warmly embrace the talented individuals who have recently received fellowship or credentialed status.
Katharine Childs (they/them) is a storyteller, religious educator, and curriculum writer who has been delighting, inspiring, and making meaning with kids and adults for more than twenty years. Katharine comes from a line of boundary-breaking women leaders within their childhood faith tradition, finding a theological home in Unitarian Universalism in their early twenties; a lifelong call to ministry brought them to UU Religious Education nearly ten years ago. Katharine finds great joy in turning ordinary moments into extraordinary stories, some of which have been retold in dozens of congregations across the continent.
The Service of the Living Tradition is Thursday, June 19, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. ET. Registration for GA at is required to attend in person or access the online experience.
Image source: UUA