Sunday, June 30, 2024, starting approximately 10 minutes after the morning worship service.
If you have a social justice passion you would like to share with others at Heritage, or if you just want to learn what is going on, then come to the Social Justice Collaborative meeting on June 30, 2024 in the Heritage Room. Our recent discussions have been on racial justice, housing and homelessness, indigenous peoples, economic justice, medical care for trans youth, and government reform. Come to learn about and contribute on one of these, or raise your own area of concern. All HUUC members and friends are invited.
If you have questions or ideas, please see the person leading our next meeting, Rae Jane Araujo, or the person putting together the agenda, Mimi Sinclair or email them at the addresses below.

Photo caption: Native Americans and others rally in Washington against Dakota pipeline, March 2017.
Photo credit: Tsnim News. Creative Commons License.