HUUC Board 2024

HUUC Board Briefs for November and December 2024

The Heritage UU Church Board of Trustees met on November 11, and December 9. 2024. The following summarizes their activities.

November 2024 Board Briefs

  1. You may have noticed that the LED portion of our sign out front is not working correctly. Fixing the sign is rather expensive, and since it is older technology, the Board is of the opinion that it isn’t worth putting money towards fixing it when it is likely to break again soon. Nov. 16 addendum: After reviewing the options researched by Susan Conley, the Board voted to cover the LED portion of the sign with a fixed graphic, which you can now see in place on the sign.
  2. The Board will be sending out a survey soon to gather input on the Senior Minister transition. It will be presented during an upcoming service, and will be open for a few weeks. There will be both paper and digital options for completion.

December 2024 Board Briefs

  1. Our roof has developed a leak over the kitchen area. After bringing a trusted roof repair company out to assess, the Board has elected to make the required repairs to the existing roof, as well as shore up a few other potential problem areas. The roofing expert’s opinion was that we could get a number of additional years out of our existing roof after making these repairs.
  2. The HUUC Board has appointed the following six people to the Heritage Acres Memorial Sanctuary Board of Trustees, effective now through the end of 2025: Tom Bosarge, Donna Buckley, Donelle Dreese, Mika Kill, Dave Spinney, and Jeff Syroney. There is one remaining open seat on the Heritage Acres board that will be filled at a later date.
  3. Our minister transition survey is open and will close on December 15. We have received over 60 responses so far, so thank you to all of you who have completed it! The Board will continue to seek guidance from the congregation as we move into the new year.
  4. We received an unexpected and very welcome $4,000 donation from an unnamed source to be used as needed. Thank you for your generosity!

HUUC Board of Trustee members
Front row: Jaime Castle, Rebecca Pace
Back row: Luke Walczewski, Antonio Ciolino, Garry Wilson, Susan Conley, Roger Miller

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