Heritage is again partnering with St. John’s, First UU, and other area churches to support Found House. Found House, formerly known as Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN), is a nonprofit organization that works with the homeless in Cincinnati.
The mission of Found House is to provide homeless families with emergency shelter and hospitality through interfaith communities, and to work with families to find and retain stable housing.
Our next opportunity is the week of July 7-14, 2024 and we need your help.
Each night we need meals to feed approximately 12-15 people. We also need folks who like to play and entertain children, and we need those who can spend the night with the guests at St. John’s.
If you are interested in volunteering, please use this SignUpGenius URL:
For more information, contact Rae Jane Araujo via email to:
or phone at: 513-638-5746.
Image source: https://tinyurl.com/3ndxj38k