Dining for Dollars Event

April 13, 2024, 6 p.m., Location Off-Site

Ellie and Bob Lamb invite you to a dinner in their home near Heritage Church, featuring salmon, corn pudding, roast vegetables and more, with cheesecake for dessert. The registration fee is $30/person. Directions to the event will follow the registration confirmation or contact the Lambs. Their contact information is found in the church’s directory, in the members’ area of HUUC.net.

There is room for eight guests. You may pay online via credit card, at https://huuc.breezechms.com/form/dca8d2283 or you may ensure that all of your $30 registration fee goes to the church (without a service charge going to breeze) by dropping off a check at the office – leave the check on Martha’s desk. Use the registration website’s dropdown arrow to the find alternative payment options. To ensure there is enough room at the table, please complete a separate registration form for each person attending.

Image Source: http://tinyurl.com/pvnzk7sx