Register Now for Cincinnati UU Council’s Impactful Anti-Racism Course.
February 18 – April 8, 2025, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., online
- Uncomfortable talking about race even though you work hard to be inclusive?
- Does your perceived identity give you privilege over others?
- Want to candidly discuss questions and feelings about racial justice with other UUs?
“Building the World We Dream About 2025” is an eight-week online course offered by UU Council of Greater Cincinnati to help Unitarian Universalists from various multicultural experiences explore how to be better antiracists. The course runs consecutive Tuesday evenings on Zoom, from February 18 through April 8, 2025 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.
Unique this year, registrants from previous courses in 2022-2024 are invited to join new participants in attending brand new sessions on April 1 (topic: institutional racism in policing and incarceration) and April 8 (topic: reparations and repentance). Previous participants also have the option of repeating the entire eight-week course.
This year’s course blends the highly regarded UUA curriculum “Building the World We Dream About” with the UUA’s brand new “Mosaic” program that confronts systemic racism. Session topics include multiple realities, identity, dominant culture, whiteness and privilege, multicultural competence, UU and USA racial histories, systemic restorative justice and reparations. Interactive group discussions delve into racial and religious dimensions.
Registration is required at Register by Feb. 1, 2025. There is no course fee. Regular attendance is expected.
For more information, contact co-facilitators Joetta Prost or Diana Long from St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church, or Linnea Lose from First Unitarian Church of Cincinnati via the email addresses shown below.

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