We at HUUC are so very lucky as a community to have regular, long established, and thriving adult programming, from our HUUC gardeners to Babes with Books and Healthy Lifestyles Group. Our adult programming offers everything from periodic pagan rituals to monthly singing circles and weekly lunch gatherings. We often don’t think of these opportunities as “faith development” but they are.
Our abundance, however, does not mean that we couldn’t benefit from other, novel adult faith development opportunities. Over the next quarter, Heritage will be rolling out several new faith development opportunities geared toward the adults of our congregation. Most of the new offerings are still in development, so there are not yet specifics to share. BUT, we do want to get a sense of interest and begin communications with potential participants.
So, read on for general information about coming programs and if something looks interesting to you. Please fill out the linked interest survey form, below, in order to be added to communications about those specific programs or our general adult faith development programming. Also, if none of these offerings strike your fancy, there is a place for dreaming on the form. The more we know about how many people are seeking to connect in new ways and what people are looking for, the better our planning will be.
Interest Survey Link: https://huuc.breezechms.com/form/b7b9a8
Future Offerings:
Adult or Senior Adult OWL — Using values, communication skills, and spirituality as starting points, this program explores sexuality issues for adults of all ages. It builds understanding of healthy sexual relationships, and affirms diversity. It helps participants accept and affirm their own sexuality throughout their lives. This program would likely include 12 workshops, plus introductory and concluding sessions, but adaptable for many formats. Adult or Senior Adult OWL is likely to be included as a new OWL offering in our restarted Cincinnati City-wide OWL collaboration with other UU and UCC churches.
Intergenerational Neighboring Faiths — Have you ever seen our middle schoolers go off to visit other houses of worship and think, “I wish I could join them?” Well, now is your opportunity. We are re-imagining the Neighboring Faiths program as an intergenerational program. Adults would come together to learn about a religion as an adult learning community. Then adults, along with a skilled youth facilitator, would help guide the learning and exploration of our youth. Then youth and adults would visit other houses of worship together. This would be an awesome opportunity for fostering both adult and intergenerational connections while learning about and experiencing the faith of our neighbors.
It Made Me Think — Do you ever hear a story on the radio or read a book, or have an experience that really made you think? Has anything ever accidentally helped you consider what you believed or challenged an assumption? This forum is the perfect place to come and share those things while learning from others “hmmm?” and “aha!” moments
Contact the HUUC Director of Lifespan Faith Development, Laci Lee Adams, for more information at:

Image source: https://tinyurl.com/2m23et96