Babes with Books is the Heritage Women’s Book Club, and is open to all women of the congregation and female friends.
The books are selected by participants’ suggestion and general consensus. The selected monthly title is reserved for the group at the Anderson Township branch of the Hamilton County Library. Monthly selections are varied but are typically fiction by current authors. Book selections are made three months prior to the meeting and published in the Heirloom newsletter. The December meeting is always a video night.
Babes with Books prides itself on not taking things too seriously. Having read the monthly book selection is never a limitation to participation. Although the book is discussed, it may be only part of what is often a raucous and ribald evening. Disruptive laughter is the hallmark of a BWB meeting. The group revels in being only “somewhat” intellectual, very supportive and very open to newcomers.
For inclusion in the BWB Google group emails, contact the Church Administrator.
Will the BWB be Silent?!?
March 19, 2025, 7 – 9 p.m. in the Heritage Room
Heritage’s BWB (or Babes with Books, the HUUC women’s book club) is rarely silent. This monthly meeting is known for being loud, raucous, ribald, with often times multiple conversations occurring simultaneously. However, at this upcoming meeting, this gathering’s novel concept is about silence, that is, it is about students and faculty in a residential school for the deaf.
The plot of True Biz by Sara Novic, set in eastern Ohio but loosely based on Cincinnati’s St. Rita School for the Deaf, follows the teenage students and faculty as they deal not only with the challenges of being deaf but also the impending closure of the school. Come join us as we discuss this glimpse into a subculture with which few of us are familiar; a subculture that holds its unique norms and biases in addition to the standard challenges of being a teenager.
Our current selections for our upcoming meetings are as follows:
April 16, 2025 – The Lost Book of Bonn, by Brianna Labuskes
May 21, 2025 – The Briar Club, by Kate Quinn
June 18, 2025 – The Whalebone Theater, by Joanna QuinnAll BWB meetings run from 7 – 9 p.m. in the Heritage Room, unless otherwise announced.
All women (be they members, or friends) are always invited to any BWB meeting – whether they have read the book or not. Unless otherwise announced, the meeting’s book selection is available on hold for the Heritage Book Club at the Anderson Township branch of the Hamilton County library approximately a month in advance.
For inclusion in the BWB Google group emails, contact the Heritage office at