Potluck Lunch Secret # 7

More than Tuna Noodle Casserole
Sunday October 13, 2024 – immediately after the morning service
(Seventh in a series)

Midwestern potlucks have the reputation of consisting of multiple versions of tuna noodle casserole – not so at Heritage! One HUUC member frequently comments that it is the best meal they have all month! Although we have professional chefs in our midst, we also have talented amateurs whose specialties include bread, lasagna, healthy salads, and anything with meat. However, don’t feel intimidated by a need to create a gourmet delight. Even the most modest of offerings will be consumed with gratitude and gusto.

Your offering might just be your presence, probably the greatest gift of all!

Come join us for the second Sunday of the month potluck lunch on October 13, 2024 immediately after morning worship service, in the HUUC great hall.

Image source: http://tinyurl.com/vez57c4b