On August 25, 2024, during the morning worship with the theme of improv, the following improvisational exercise was written by Heritage Universalist Unitarian Church, one word at a time.
The Bengal Tigers loved unicorns. The hunters couldn’t find the unicorns –under, over, up, down, frown-flow – because they were invisible.
Unicorns and wallabies sang magically and laughed, because they knew holidays. Yes! Fast!
They knew karate, joy, and joking.
Then the unicorns went higher to the mountain to buy iPhones. And it was good.
Unfortunately, they fell – but magically – they were able to arise and go up the mountain summit quickly.
Suddenly … crash!
“Look … multi-colored bingo! Win big bling!”
Quietly, joyfully … drink in, rejoice, and be present.
Image source: https://tinyurl.com/ms6vzaby