for Sunday July 14, 2024
Fourth in a series
Goodness! Did you just realize that the second Sunday of the month occurs on July 14! You didn’t miss it. During this busy season, who has the time to fit in all those events and cooking into the schedule? Here’s a tip from someone who is a prideful, domestically impaired person. Make twice as much as you suspect you’ll need for the first event and bring the leftovers to the second. You choose if the HUUC potluck is that first or second event, you don’t need to tell.
You don’t even have time to make “too much?” Don’t worry, either stop at some convenient caterer, such as Kroger or the Newtown UDF, in route to church on July 14 or just come and join the gathering in the great hall after worship service without an offering. There is always more than enough.
~ Your domestically challenged Heirloom editor
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