Heritage Healthy Cooking Classes Needs You!

Consider volunteering at one of the upcoming classes:

  • Thursday, November 16th
  • Thursday, December 14th

Classes are from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. (yes, you will be done in time for choir!)

We continue our partnership with the Found Village young adults where we transform rescued food from La Soupe. It is a lively, fast paced time where we empower these young people to make great food decisions every day of their lives. It is truly rewarding work.

Our Mission Statement:

Heritage Healthy Cooking Classes encourages people from all walks of life to think about where their food comes from. We believe that nutritious food should be available to all people every day. We provide basic culinary skills to empower people to cook healthy, simple foods with less waste. We teach people how to cook thoughtfully with love and care for themselves and the environment, to help them realize the importance of being present while eating and sharing food with others.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Tracy Jo.

All photographs courtesy of Tracy Jo.
