2024 Potlucks in Review

…before Potluck Lunch Sunday, January 12, 2025

A comment overheard describing HUUC is that we are the “pot-luckiest people!” Our potlucks have become legend among our ranks. As we close in on the end of the year and consider what to make, bring, and/or eat at our next Sunday potluck lunch event, January 12, 2025, immediately following worship services, let’s review the 2024 potluck secrets series points.

  • UU food can be kale, quinoa, tofu, pizza, soup, or anything ranging from vegan to carnivore, healthy to indulgent. Make it, buy it, or just bring yourself, all is good!
  • Potluck offerings can be as simple as peeled Clementine oranges.
  • Potluck offerings can be as indulgent as chips and dip.
  • Consider stopping at UDF for your potluck offering if time is of the essence.
  • Surprised by the date, didn’t realize it was the second Sunday? Then, just bring yourself.
  • Too hot to cook during these dog days of summer? Just bring something cold or just you.
  • Are you bashful about attending? You will make friends without effort and catch up with old ones.
  • The potluck variety is more than tuna noodle casserole.
  • Do you make too much for you at home? Bring it in for the potluck.
  • Enter the holidays with the potluck entrees.

Come join us as we commune in our revered monthly potluck ritual in the great hall, January 12, 2025 immediately following the worship service. 

Image Source: Collection of creative commons images by B. Barnes from March – December Heirloom issues